Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tuesday October 2nd 2018

In class today we watched Kuabs video on the five stages of grief. It used the example from a Simpsons episode of Homer finds out that he was going to die. homer continued to go through the five stages of grief within a minute. It was funny. People were also able to present their life map to the class and the theory they applied to their map. Chrystal covered the agents of socialization. The agents of socialization are family, schooling, peer groups and mass media. She talked about how each agent can have a positive or a negative effect o a person. We also talked about Resocialization: Total Institutions. Total Institutions are settings in which people are isolated from the rest of society and manipulated by an administrative staff. Their purpose is resocialization which is radically altering an inmates personality through deliberate control of the environment. This is broken down into a two stage process. First the staff breaks down the new inmates existing identity. Second the staff tries to build a new self. 

Goffman writes about the mortification of the self with in total institutions, it is the processes by which this “individual self” is slowly stripped of its connections to the outside world to the point where the self is given up to be defined by the social arrangements inside the total institution. The mortification of the self is taking away the identity of those who step into prison, if they were more focused on restorative justice they would not take their identity away. Prisoners self is taken away and in many cases they are dehumanized with in the walls of the prison. With in these walls they suffer dehumanizing treatment from guards. Prisoners are not being groomed to re-enter society a functioning member of society but as a criminal in society. Prisoners are released with no help in becoming a functioning member of society. They lose many rights when they are released and often are unable to get employment because they must disclose they have been in prison. Without employment they are already breaking their parole/probation, putting them at risk of being sent back into prison. The criminal justice system needs to be restructured in order to be more restorative, in order to work properly. Many are in prison and the U.S. is currently the number one in the world with the number of prisoners. Millions are in prison with no hope of re-entering society as a functioning member of society. The criminal justice system expects them to have their shit together when they take every government assistants away because they have been convicted of a crime. Many young people are losing their possibilities of going to college because they are unable to apply for financial aid because it is taken away because of their criminal record. They re-enter society broken and without a clue as to how to survive with a criminal record. Many find themselves becoming career criminals, seeing it as the only means to survive. Having no other way to support themselves are forced to commit crimes and reoffend. The system has many barriers that prevent you from being free and from following societies norms.
people, cut off from the wider community for a considerable time, together lead an enclosed, formally administered round of life. In Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault discussed total institutions in the language of complete and austere institutions.

What can you do to benefit yourself and society
I can donate blood and save lives. By donating blood, you are not only saving the life of the needy person, but also have the benefits of your own blood being screened for infections like HIV and Hepatitis C before being transfused to a patient. If any life threatening infection is seen, the donor will be informed by the doctors.
What can you do to harm/disadvantage you and society
By not donating blood

What can society do to benefit you and society itself
By offering free flu shots to everyone

What can society do to harm/disadvantage you and society
By not giving free immunizations to children

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