Sunday, September 23, 2018

Tuesday September 11th 2018

So today in class we talked more about social media. Being as though September is Suicide Awareness month I thought that it would be important to talk about cyber-bullying and how that can drive someone to end their own life. When I was in middle school or high school the internet didn’t exist yet and certainly Facebook was just a figment in someone’s mind. I remember times where I was bullied in school, on the playground or on the bus ride home but when I got home that bullying stopped. I mean yes the torment stuck with me but the person that bullied me was gone at least until the next day when school resumed. Now there is a whole wide world of social media that never stops, never shuts off and is ever relentless.
Here are some facts that I found interesting. 1/3 of young people between the ages of eleven and fifteen have been victims of cyber-bullying. A larger share of girls(41%) that boys (29%) report this experience. 15% of young people report engaging in this behavior.
81% of children under two currently have some kind of digital dossier of footprint, with images of them posted online.
In Canada, 34% of children have a digital footprint before they are born.
Children reach the age of “social media maturity “ at about age 11.
Should we teach our children as though they have two lives, or one?
The complexities of identity pose a serious threat to the well-being of our youth and there is little being done systematically to educate students around these topics.

Three terms
Androcentricity. Androcentricity (literally, “focus on the male”) refers to approaching an issue from a male perspective. 
Overgeneralizing. This problem occurs when researchers use data drawn from people of only one sex to support conclusions about “humanity” or “society.”
Gender blindness. Failing to consider gender at all is known as gender blindness.
How do the groups that you're part of affect you? How do you, in turn, affect those groups? Today we are talking about how people in society come together with a look at social groups. We’ll look at what social groups are, the different kinds of groups that exist, group dynamics, leadership, conformity, networks and mor

One thing I can do to benefit myself and society is to be more consciously aware of what I post on Facebook and what effect it may have.
One thing that I could do to affect myself and society in a negative way would be to promote or post things on Facebook that could have a negative on society such as fake news.
Society could affect me in a positive way if the news presented more positive stories.
Society could influence me in a negative way if the new stayed on track with its fear based stories.

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